Solar Panels: Expiry date of your energy bill

Solar Panels: Expiry date of your energy bill

When it comes to your energy bill, it's easy to get stuck in a rut. Like clockwork, the bill is due once a month, and there's not much to do but pay and wait for the next one. If you pay attention over time, you will see that your electricity price is constantly increasing, but what is there to worry about? The electricity has to be on, so whatever the utility is charging, you pay for it over and over again. After a while, it all becomes so ingrained that you don't even question the habit.

So, what if there was a way to break the cycle? What if you could put an expiration date on your energy bill? Imagine that, instead of a perpetual subscription service, you could generate your own clean, sustainable energy - independently! With solar installation, the days of paying for your electricity are numbered, and that energy bill? It has an unexpected expiration date.

Disclosure of the current model

So, let's start by unpacking the current model of utility-provided power, and see what the real cost of satisfaction is. Traditionally, you are tied to the grid, and you pay the utility for the energy you consume when you need electricity. It's pretty straightforward, and for those who haven't switched to solar, it looks like a familiar model. When you start using electricity you start paying the utility for the electricity, and you do this dance indefinitely.

Here's the issue - the only constant in that relationship is you, forever giving money. On the utility side, the price of electricity has certainly not been stable. The cost per watt has more than doubled in the last ten years, which in itself is cause for concern - but that's not the end of it. Earlier this year, PG&E planned to raise electric rates by 8% in January and about 9% in March, with additional rate increases over the next few months and years. Consumers can see rate increases of at least 12% over the next few years, and that's just the forecast!

Not to mention the fact that we're entering a series of hotter and hotter summer seasons, where the aging grid will be putting more and more strain on it. Rising global demand coupled with increasing global volatility means that the cost of fossil fuels will continue to rise, thus increasing the cost of electricity. As long as you depend on the grid for energy, you will have a utility and your costs will be fixed and your costs will increase. Perhaps the system worked, but it certainly does not reflect our modern needs and situation.

Energy bill replacement

Fortunately for all of us, there is a better way to do things. With a solar on grid system, you control the size of your monthly payment and set a limited expiration date on your energy bill. You'll work with a solar consultant to design a system that perfectly fits your needs and budget, and with our competitive financing options, solar has never been more accessible. Now your monthly payment is an ongoing investment in a long-term value generator and not a lost contribution to the big money sink of the grid.

Once you take into account tax credits and other available programs to save money on the system, you'll have a better idea of ​​their true value—and that's where the fun begins. From there, you simply watch the savings pay for your system, and enjoy the net profit! Under this new model, you don't have a long dark tunnel of payments that stretches into infinity - you'll have an actual due date for your bill! Most people are able to cover the cost of their system with their energy savings over a period of 6-10 years while paying less monthly than ever before!

At this point, as long as the system is reasonably sized to cover your current usage, and expanded to account for any additional usage growth like an EV charger or Jacuzzi, you've now paid your regular monthly bill! At this point, a typical user would only have to cover the energy used after sunset, and even adding a battery system could reduce that even more!

Expiry date on your energy bill

With a battery storage system as part of your solar installation, you can further reduce your dependence on the utility. By generating and storing your own power for use after sunset, you can eliminate your need for electricity during both peak and downtime hours, making you truly self-sufficient. A battery storage system provides a great addition to savings and security and really takes solar to the next level. With this increased flexibility, you are protected from outages and other emergencies, and you can enjoy the benefits of energy independence.

Solar is the only surefire way to limit your energy bills, and it's becoming an increasingly reliable and valuable investment for homeowners in California and across the country. If you're interested in breaking the cycle of endless energy bills, contact one of our solar consultants for free today!


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